Saturday, July 17, 2010

Waking up!

Something most of us have in common is our tendency to feel lost. It is so easy to feel like the new girl in aerobics class who doesn't know all of the moves yet, and whose enthusiasm slowly fades as she flails around, arms and legs kicking and punching two beats behind the rest of the class. The truth is this life makes all of us feel out of our comfort zones and quite often out of control, but feeling lost is only part of what we have in common.

I was raised being told that I was a child of God, that we all are. I know that. I know it for sure, and for the past 32 years that knowledge has lead me and supported me, and yet even with that knowledge I have struggled. I have doubted myself. I have been hurt, abused, heart broken, frustrated and angry. I've been lost. But, through everything I have had a desire to trust myself, and to trust God. I have wanted to be my best for myself and for everyone. I have tried to make good choices. I have tried to be true to myself.

I needed something to wake me up though. It happened the day I became a mother. When that mommy badge was placed on my chest in the form of a warm, wiggly baby girl, an electrical charge was released through my body and soul and I was brought to life.....a new real life. The line between heaven and earth was blurred and my crown of divinity sat shiny and heavy upon my head. I felt it. I knew that I, we, you, me.....all of us are meant to live for so much more. We are a part of something so big and mind blowingly beautiful that our tiny mortal minds can't comprehend it without heavenly help.

The sleeping beauty inside began to toss and turn. Every ounce of strength lifting my heavy eyes upward and outward. I wanted to wake up! I wanted to be aware and remember who I am. I wanted to rise to my full, divine potential and keep the promises I made to the God who created me.

The discovery of truth is always fraught with opposition. It is the way of progression. So my journey has not been, and will not be easy. But if we want to know who we really are, at some point we must all wake up!

*photo taken from here.

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